Suckers Tried to play me PT 2

Ok now For part 2 This Jailbreak is Called "thunderst0rm" Well this one looked a little More legit because it was a bigger file. Turns out they just added a bunch of useless .dll files to make a larger file. this it what you see.

and....this is all it really is...

Its just some useless bit of msg box code that does nothing at all to your iDevice. 
All these "failbreaks" are just a waste of time and a pain to deal with. I suggest everybody just waits untill the jailbreak is out to the public. Unless its from comex, devteam, or gehot, ih8sn0w, i wouldn't waste my time trying these failbreaks. You just may end up with a ruined Computer or a bricked iDevice.

So this is MY WARNING not to mess around with these FAILBREAKS!

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