redsn0w 0.9.5 BETA

So, the new redsn0w 0.9.5 BETA release has been pushed to all the users who had the first one. Yesterday (April 16th) was an update that fixed an issue various users had who experienced SMS or 3G data failures. The update was pushed quickly after finding out this problem was around.
The redsn0w 0.9.5 BETA has a lot of restrictions from what you might think, sadly.
Below is a list of things that are Req. in order for this to even work at all.
“iPhone 3G only (for now)
Mac OSX only (for now)
the 4.0beta1 FW only (for now)”
As you can see above, this is only intended for users that have the 4.0 BETA release of the new Firmware, AKA App developers, who have jailbroken apps/tweaks.
I personally don’t see a reason to release this in conjunction with the BETA firmware, as it only shows Apple, Inc. what’s going on. Which, in turn may cause a patch in the final release that would other wise cause another delay in releasing the Jailbreak with it.
Here’s a Pic of how to use the program straight from the Dev Team.

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