The iPhone 3G and 2nd gen iPod Touch can multi-task natively after all.

Some of you in iPhone still rockin’ an older iPhone 3G or 2nd gen iPod Touch may have been a bit put off after the iPhone OS 4.0 preview. Multitasking was definitely the big thing there and unfortunately for the owners of the devices listed above, they won’t ever see a single part of it. Apple will try to rationalize that it is because of lower spec’d internal hardware. But a solid 1 year+ of jailbroken iPhones running Backgrounder just fine calls Apple’s bluff and exposes it for what it is — a sham to get people to upgrade when they don’t have to.

So it’s with a bit of surprise yet utmost glee that I share with you this bit of information: The iPhone 3G and 2nd gen iPod Touch can in fact multitask and do so natively in OS 4.0. This little treat was discovered by a developer who goes by “cdevwill” on Twitter, posted the following:

wow looks like multitasking can be enabled on the 3G if you just set multitasking=TRUE on the capabilities plist in SB (N82AP.plist)

That’s great news for owners of those legacy devices who are ok with jailbreaking. For now, editing that particular .plist isn’t for your general noob. But give it a time. I’m sure a simple app will pop up in Cydia that will take care of all the under the hood tasks for you. Though an even better solution would be a simple app that could do this even on an un-jailbrokeniPhone/iPod Touch.

It’s definitely an interesting development in the early stages of OS 4.0. Stay tuned…

Via redmond pie

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