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So by signing up here i can do more Product Reviews And Giveaways Via Twitter,Youtube and even this Blog So help me out by Using this link
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Hey people
7:56 PM | | View Comments
Podulo Forum Is Open
Hey guys today the co-owner of Podulo (chris) Has released there New forum to the Public. Well all of us thought it was going to be released last night, it wasn't (well it was released to the people who where in the IRC ,i was included). So today it has been fully launched for everyone!!! So this means acess to , Cracked Cyida Themes, Cracked Cydia Apps, Modded Files And much more So Head over to Podulo and Check out there Website Forum and come chat with me and others in There IRC chat. i will Cya There
Go Check Them Out BTW
Im Legit
12:35 PM | | View Comments
Oh no not again, Apple Loses Another 4th Gen iPhone
Wow, Apple aren’t being too careful these days, they appear to have lost another 4th gen iPhone – this one is a 16 GB model. These images have appeared on a Vietnamese website
Who's looking Forward to the New iPhone Comments are welcome! =)
5:55 PM | | View Comments
Reason for the Lack of Updates
Hey guys i'm Soooooooooooo sorry I haven't been posting as usual we have our End of Grade test and ive been busy with Homework school/ Family And just really havent had time to Blog.....but ive been microblogging (@mritouchpods)
Blogging this while doing Homework
6:16 PM | | View Comments
Winterboard Updated to Support The iPad
While not 100%, @DHowett and I have made great progress on WinterBoard’s iPad support with version 0.9.3182. ;PHe posted this screen shot, featuring a Classica theme on the iPad:
Still waiting For someone to Donate 500+ dollars so i can get a iPad XD
9:24 PM | | View Comments
Disqus Comment Box
ive added A better Commentbox!! Just click on the post and Comment From there. You can sign in via Twiiter or Yahoo. so Have Fun
6:44 PM | | View Comments
Spirit Is out!!
6:50 PM | | View Comments
Possibly another FAILBREAK!!
There is a New called newRa1n From my instances Its From the same Faggots who Created thunderst0rm.
Who would release A Jailbreak For 3.1.3 Right when spirit is coming out?? that sounds like something only Geohot would do but its No from him cause its in come Weirdo language.
So if this Turns out to be Real where is there Blog
And here are the are videos demonstrate it
11:43 AM | | View Comments
a Fake Spirit Screenshot
well this is a fake pic that someone Photoshoped (well at least thats what i think) To look the the New Spirit Jailbreak. Quote From @comex the dev of the Jailbreak
"That Spirit screenshot on the internet is fake. It looks better than that. :p"
so Be on your toes and keep a look out for those Fake screenshots and Failbreaks Out there!
Trust me i will have a Post when spirit is released So STAY TUNED!
11:32 AM | | View Comments
chinese iPhone 4g knockoff is here
Well as you know everything that is made in the U.S has its clone from over seas that our company's can do nothing about. well today Ive gotten my hands on some pics of Beijing iPhone 4g Clone
9:03 PM | | View Comments
Sorry about the comment box
Hey guys its mritouchpods
This is Just a Quick unformal Stament that i have to leave
im sorry about the new comment box and i know it looks wierd but thats what we have to deal with rigth now. You can only see the comment box if you click on the post and goto that post indivdual page to comment on that specific post
1:38 PM | | View Comments
Official Twitter App for Android Goes Live!
fter a really long wait, but a worth one, Twitter has finally come up with an official app for the Android. It looks great, brewed by Twitter itself and integrates itself to the phone’s Contacts list
- A widget on the home screen which allows you to update your Twitter status without having to launch the app over and over again.
- Twitter’s location based service which allows you to see your friend’s tweets near you on the map.
- Integration of Twitter with your phonebook contacts, along with their phone numbers and e-mail addresses you can now see their status updates right from your contacts list
- Last but not the least, the ability to share photos.
9:32 PM | | View Comments
Untethered Jailbreak for all iDevices
The "Spirit" is in the air. Can you feel it?
Tomorrow we will see the iPad 3G shipping out to many customers across North America. After some sketchy shipping estimates, it was skeptical at first, but the iPad 3G is indeed shipping out on April 30th.
Not only will we be receiving the iPad 3G, but we will also be receiving the first 'userland' jailbreak since firmware 1.x. The Jailbreak tool is dubbed "Spirit" and was was first demonstrated working on an iPad by @MuscleNerd within 24 hours of the iPad’s release.
Unfortunately userland jailbreaks are not always the best way to go about releasing Jailbreaking tools as they expose security weaknesses in the device even for non-jailbroken devices. So as per usual, you'll want to make sure your SHSH files have been backed up, so that if Apple closes any security holes, you have the ability downgrade if needed.
And here's the big one for all you 3GS users. This jailbreak will be UNTETHERED! Yup, that's right! Untethered jailbreak will now be officially bestowed upon you.
This jailbreak tool will not include a carrier unlock, which is no surprise, however, the phone will need to be activated or hacktivated for Spirit to work.
So hold on to your hats, April 30th is right around the corner.
Via Dev-Team
6:56 PM | | View Comments
Dear adobe From Mr.Jobs
April, 2010
1:17 PM | | View Comments
Windows Live Messenger for iPhone Screenshots Revealed
According to
today we can exclusively unveil the first official screenshots of Windows Live Messenger for iPhone. The application will arrive in June alongside the rest of Windows Live Wave 4. According to our sources, Microsoft will unveil the next generation of Windows Live Messenger tomorrow but will not ship bits to public beta until June. A limited private beta is expected to take place in May.
Windows Live Messenger for iPhone will include photo sharing, chat and a social stream for users.
6:47 PM | | View Comments
6:32 PM | | View Comments
WWDC10 is announced
2:50 PM | | View Comments
Wireless Sync for iPhone or iPod touch
Here's something that many have wanted for a while! A developer by the name of Greg Hughes, Has submitted an App to the AppStore that will allow you to Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch to iTunes WIRELESSLY!
Now lets just hope that Apple approves it =p
Here's the video of the app in action.
Hopefully if Apple wont accept it i know cydia will
11:45 AM | | View Comments
GeoHot New Jailbreak Site Found!?
iH8sn0w, tweeted GeoHot a message about finding a website recently updated under his name. But is this the name and website for the new jailbreak?
Has iH8sn0w taken away from GeoHot's thunder, similar to what Gizmodo did to Apple?
Seems like everyone's work is getting leaked a bit early this year.. I wonder if we might see a leak to McDonald's new Burger.
11:27 AM | | View Comments
Another Leak? WTF is up With Apples Security?
think Apple need to make some improvements to their security. Only a few days after an iPhone 4G prototype was left at a bar in Redwood City, two prototype iPod Touchs have appeared on eBay only to be quickly removed by the seller. The iPod Touch both had cameras as well as a development version version of an iPod Touch OS. Images and details after the break!
3:52 PM | | View Comments
Suckers Tried to play me PT 2
Ok now For part 2 This Jailbreak is Called "thunderst0rm" Well this one looked a little More legit because it was a bigger file. Turns out they just added a bunch of useless .dll files to make a larger file. this it what you see.
and....this is all it really is...
3:19 PM | Labels: Failbreak | View Comments
These Suckers tried to play me PT1
Hi Blog many of you have heard of the @ new Jailbreaks for 3.1.3. well they are BOTH fake.
heres what Thunderst0rm and Turbo2sn0w really do.
Well lets start of with Turbo2sn0w
Turbo2Sn0w ends up with ASL.dll error and will shutdown / reboot Your PC in 600 seconds(10 mins).
It copys a Batch file named iTunes.bat onto the startup folder with the error msg and shutdown command
How to fix this issue?
Remove the batch file named iTunes.bat from the startup folder and make a reboot
Also (thanks to ownerofspam) i would like to add. Turbo2Sn0w also corrupts your iTunes .dll files, I know it corrupts ASL.dll and I think also corefoundation.dll (not sure on this) along with others, but it also makes you reinstall iTunes if you don't have a copy of those .dll files on hand.
Read pt 2 For thunderst0rm
3:02 PM | | View Comments
Police Investigate Gizmodo iPhone Story
Reportedly, Apple representatives contacted the Santa Clara County Police, and asked for an investigation of the events surrounding the disappearance of an iPhone prototype last month, and its subsequent appearance and teardown on Gizmodolast week. CNET's Greg Sandoval and Declan McCullagh spoke to a police representative, who says that the investigation may be conducted by a computer crime task force inside the Santa Clara County district attorney's office. While Apple's Cupertino headquarters is in Santa Clara County, the bar where the phone was allegedly lost and found is in Redwood City, the county seat of neighboring San Mateo County. According to California law, any person who finds lost property and "appropriates such property to his own use" is guilty of theft... or, If the value of the property is above $400, grand theft, which is a felony.
The story has garnered a lot of comment since it was revealed on Monday. Gawker
The Santa Clara County computer crime task force, called the "Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team" (REACT) was established in 1997 and pools the tech talents of a number of local jurisdictions. What's considered "Silicon Valley" lies mostly within the borders of Santa Clara County: the Santa Clara Valley -once the largest fruit producing and packing area on Earth - and the city of San Jose, and so the police have had to deal with a lot of high-profile intellectual
Via modmyi
10:16 AM | | View Comments
Blog Archive
- Podulo Forum Is Open
- Oh no not again, Apple Loses Another 4th Gen iPhone
- Reason for the Lack of Updates
- Smart screen For iPad
- Winterboard Updated to Support The iPad
- Disqus Comment Box
- Spirit Is out!!
- Possibly another FAILBREAK!!
- a Fake Spirit Screenshot
- chinese iPhone 4g knockoff is here
- Sorry about the comment box
- Official Twitter App for Android Goes Live!
- Untethered Jailbreak for all iDevices
- Dear adobe From Mr.Jobs
- Windows Live Messenger for iPhone Screenshots Reve...
- Earlier this month when Twitter bought Atebits, a...
- WWDC10 is announced
- Wireless Sync for iPhone or iPod touch
- GeoHot New Jailbreak Site Found!?
- Another Leak? WTF is up With Apples Security?
- Suckers Tried to play me PT 2
- These Suckers tried to play me PT1
- Police Investigate Gizmodo iPhone Story